Baseball Sack

I started this bag yesterday while in the CCE office waiting to head out to a Kornell Campaign event and finished it up today while watching Hot Fuzz with Aaron.  The bag is a bit shorter and a bit wider than the pattern, but I didn't think we really needed a huge bag to carry our 5 baseballs, 1 softball and sweat rag. 

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Clapotis take 3

2 birds, one stone... I've finally got around to knitting the wonderful yarn I dyed a few months ago... Its going to be a clapotis for my cousin, well supposing that I have enough yarn for it. I have decided to only do 1 instance of section two making it a much thinner scarf rather than a big ole sucker. I am about halfway through the length I want it to be so I am hoping that I have enough yarn to get this done. Otherwise I will have to come up with some sort of border and get my hands on some more bernat cashmere.
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